6 thoughts on “Links and Resources

  1. linda

    I am a Slooper descendant- Madland. I am interested in becoming a member of the Society. How can I do this?

    1. Bill

      Welcome, Linda!
      I will put you in contact with the Slooper Society secretary, Lou Wise.
      Hope to see you in October, if you can make it to Norway, Illinois.

      Bill Injerd

  2. Susan Rigby (Goggin)

    HI I am a descendent of both the Madland and Hougas. I have the book but the information on both of these family tree’s is cut off where the binding is. I am wondering if you have the original family trees that has correct spellings and dates that are hiding in the binding?

    Thank you for any help you can give.

    1. Kirk Mies Post author

      I have emailed you a pfd copy of the Madland/Hougas family tree. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
      -Kirk Mies (Rossadal)

  3. Susan Wesley

    My Norwegian ancestors are the Quams and the Nelsons of Sheridan, IL. I am currently researching these and other family lines on Ancestry.com. I am interested in learning more about membership in the Slooper Society.

    1. Kirk Mies Post author

      Dear Susan,
      I am excited to hear you are interested in learning more of your rich Norwegian heritage. That journey has been very rewarding for me and I am sure you will find it to be so for you as well.
      To learn more about the Slooper Society, please check out the following link… https://sloopersociety.org/about-the-slooper-society/
      Of course to be considered a “Slooper”, one must be able to trace their lineage to one of the original 53 who sailed from Stavanger to NY in 1825. However, participation in the Slooper Society is open to anyone with an interest in the Norwegian-American immigration story. I hope to see you at this year’s annual reunion scheduled for Sunday, October 6th. I would also encourage you to sign up to receive our newsletter via the homepage. Finally, if you don’t already own a copy of J.Hart Rosdail’s book, “The Sloopers”, I would strongly urge you to order a copy. https://sloopersociety.org/the-sloopers-book/

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