New Slooper Society website!

Greetings! Hilsen! The Slooper Society website has a new look. Let me know what you think. It is still in work. You can EASILY read it on your smartphone now. Enjoy — Bill Injerd, webmaster.

4 thoughts on “New Slooper Society website!

  1. Barbara Rotter Ryan

    Hello, I found the Slooper Ancestry book that belonged to my mother. I am not sure as of yet which ancestor came from Norway. I am a descendant of Betsy Hougas and Charles Lewis. thanks

    1. Bill Post author

      Barbara – I will contact Lou Wise, Slooper Society secretary, and have her get back to you. Lou is a Hougas descendent. – Bill

  2. Sigbjorn Askvik

    My name is Sigbjorn Askvik
    Decedent of Thomas Madland his daughter Martha Madland that remained
    In Stavanger.
    Myself along with my family exep from my brother came to the US in 1972
    As imegrants from Stavanger Norway.

    1. Kirk Mies


      Tusen takk for din kommentar. Jeg beklager det har tatt så lang tid for din kommentar å legge inn. Vi skal prøve å gjøre en bedre jobb med å administrere nettstedet vårt nå … Jeg lover!
      Jeg har videresendt din kommentar til en slektning av deg som nå bor i Amerika. Dale Goodman er også en etterkommer av Madland-familien. Jeg håper han kontakter deg snart.
      Takk skal du ha!

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