Monthly Archives: April 2018

Dale Goodman Presents, “The Sloopers of 1825” at Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center

Sloopers present Livsreise with a print of the Restauration

Sloopers present Livsreise with a print of the Restauration



Sloopers Kirk Mies, Susan Goodman, Steve Southcombe, Renee Mies, and Dale Goodman with Livsreise’s Marg Listug.

On Saturday, April 28th, 2018 our own Dale Goodman was the keynote speaker at the Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center in Stoughton, WI. Dale gave a wonderful presentation detailing the events leading up to the voyage, why it took until October 9th for them to reach America, what happened in the new colony they established in Kendall county, NY and ultimately how they ended up in what is now Norway, Illinois.

Dale spoke to a standing-room-only crowd of more than 100 people and entertained many questions from the audience after his presentation. Dale’s presentation was entertaining and informative. The Sloopers manned an information desk at the event and it was fantastic to meet so many people who were excited to learn more about the Sloopers and the American Slooper Society.