Monthly Archives: January 2021

Norwegian-American History Course

Sons of Norway District 5 is hosting a 16-week Norwegian-American History course entitled, “Norwegian-American Settlement in Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan”. The course will be held weekly on Saturday mornings from 9-10:30am CT or Friday evenings from 6:30-8pm CT (you can join either each week). The course kicked off on January 23rd, but you can still join for the remaining course. Recordings of previous weeks can be accessed at the SON District 5 website.

For more information and to register for the course please compete the enrollment form.

Recordings of the D5 Norwegian-American settlement history course will be posted on the Sons of Norway District 5 website, and available to ANYONE who is interested. Below please find a brief description and a link to the recording of week 1. Of course the Sloopers are central to the story of Norwegian-American history and are highlighted in week 1. I encourage you to check it out.

Week 1 – 01/23/2021 –
In week 1, you will learn about the scope of the D5 Norwegian-American settlement history course. 
Although there is no required reading for this course, the books and DVD are introduced this week.  Dave and Ruth Amundson explain conditions in Norway during the 1800s (push factors) and what made American so attractive to emigrate to (pull factors).  Bill Injerd talks about “The Sloopers”
who created the first Norwegian-American colony in America in 1825.  He discusses their first colony in Kendall Township, Orleans County, New York
and their move for better farmland to the “Fox River Settlement” in La Salle County, Illinois. (46:44)