Dear Sloopers and friends,
You are cordially invited to the 91st annual meeting of the Slooper Society of America. This meeting also extends to include our Sons of Norway friends. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, October 9th, 2016, and plan to join us at the Norway Community Building, Norway, IL, just off Route 71. Dinner will be served at 1:00 pm. We ask that each family bring a dish to pass. Table service and drinks will be provided.
Our program this year will be presented by Linda Anderson. It will highlight the “Leif Erikson Legacy”.
There will be a short business meeting following the program. As in the past, the Norsk Museum will be open for those interested. The Norway Store has many Norwegian items and foods and will be open until 5:00 p.m.
The re-printed book, The Sloopers: Their Ancestry and Posterity, will be offered for sale at a special discounted price this day only for those that attend.
Please join us for an afternoon of great food and fellowship!
Lou Hougas Wise, Secretary